
Executive Function Strategies


Executive Function Strategies: Organization skills for kids who struggle with getting things done (ADHD/ADD and related disorders).

Speaker: Richard Gallagher, PhD
Director of Organizational Skills and Executive Function Treatment, NYU Professor & ADHD Expert
Date: May 13, 2025
Time: 8:00-9:30 PM EST

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Executive Function Strategies

Many children with ADHD struggle with organization, time management, and staying on task—creating challenges for both teachers and parents.

We invite you to a this virtual event featuring Dr. Richard Gallagher, an expert in ADHD and executive functioning, to learn evidence-based strategies that improve students’ success in school and beyond.

Why This Event Matters:

  • Learn how to help children with ADHD improve organization, time management, and focus
  • Discover practical, research-backed strategies for teachers and parents
  • Gain insights from a leading expert who has helped thousands of children succeed

We encourage you to share this event with parents and teachers to foster collaboration in supporting neurodivergent students.


Speaker Bio:
Richard Gallagher, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist who has been treating and evaluating children since the 1980s. He is coauthor of The Organized Child: An Effective Program to Maximize Your Kid’s Potential—in School and in Life and has co-developed the Organizational Skills Training program that serves as the basis for his books.